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het Compliancekantoor

Quality reviews

Policy makers of audit firms are obliged, as part of their duty of care, to guarantee the quality of the performance of assurance engagements.

It is important that you have an adequately organised and functioning quality system. Important safeguards within the quality system include the engagement quality control review (EQCR), the internal quality review and the root cause analysis process.

‘Het Compliancekantoor’ is specialised in conducting quality reviews. We have extensive experience in various positions within the AFM (The Dutch Authority for the Financial Markets, the Dutch supervisor of audit firms) and large and medium-sized audit firms. We know the regulator's view from ‘inside out’. We know the legal and regulatory frameworks and have experienced the dilemmas when applying these in daily practice. We have experience with the "bar" and know where it is. This combination of our experiences enables us to perform sharp reviews. You can count on our professional scepticism as a basis of our well-founded opinion and advice. Our goal is to help you build sustainable audit quality in your organisation.

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