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het Compliancekantoor

Compliance & Risk Management

As an firm you will need to review your processes periodically to ensure you are alert to any potential risks that may affect the firm or firm's strategy, for example, the risk of non-compliance with laws and regulations. With our services related to Risk Management, we support audit firms in identifying and managing these risks.

In addition to your own goals as an organisation to do your work professionally and accurately, there are also guidelines from local and international standard setters. To ensure the quality of your assurance engagements, your organisation must implement an adequate system of quality control.

The quality system must be designed in such a way that there is a reasonable degree of certainty that the organisation and its personnel comply with the technical guidelines and the requirements set by laws and regulations.

We can help your audit firm to develop and implement a quality control system. Once the system has been developed, you can engage us to evaluate the system periodically with you, and to further train your employees in its application. You can also engage us in the role of (deputy) compliance officer.

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