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het Compliancekantoor

About us

‘Het Compliancekantoor’ strives for a sustainable contribution to audit quality and the integrity of audit firms.

To achieve our goals, we support policy makers, compliance officers and statutory auditors to internalise the required level of quality, contribute to creating a quality-focused culture and fearless reflection to audit firms. We have extensive experience in various positions within the AFM (The Dutch Authority for the Financial Markets, the Dutch supervisor of audit firms) and large and medium-sized audit firms. We know the regulator's view from ‘inside out’. We know the legal and regulatory frameworks and have experienced the dilemmas when applying these in daily practice. Ambitious audit firms that consider professionality, integrity and expertise important, find in us a solid sparring partner. 


It is our vision that the public trust in auditors and audit firms should be evident. 

This results in a robust quality of audit engagements. This quality especially depends on the auditor’s professional expertise. Professional expertise is shown by professional skepticism, adherence to professional standards and acting in the public interest. In this respect, we acknowledge that assurance engagements are performed in a (commercial) environment with other incentives such as commercial and personal interests.

We are convinced that an audit report from an statutory auditor adds assurance to financial reporting. An inherent element of the audit process is that the circle of users of the audited financial statements is undefined. Users can vary from private persons, investors, government to competitors. Financial reporting contains objectified information as a basis for important decisions by its users. It is essential to improve reliability and usefulness of financial reporting. Statutory auditors play an important public role in this process.

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